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Институт «АСиА»

Федерального государственного автономного образовательного учреждения высшего образования «Крымский федеральный университет имени В. И. Вернадского»

ФГАОУ ВО «КФУ им. В.И. Вернадского»

Версия для слабовидящих

Department of geometric and computer simulation of energy efficient buildings


Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky


Address: Simferopol, Kievskaya st., 181, rooms 402, 403

E-mail: erces_crimea@mail.ru

Head of Department

Alexander Timofeevich Dvoretsky

Dr. of Technical Science


Short information

The Department of Descriptive Geometry and Graphics was founded in 1980 after the division of the Department of Architecture and Graphics of the Simferopol Branch of the Dnepropetrovsk Civil Engineering Institute in connection with the plan of further education of an independent construction university and an increase in the number of students. In 2002, the department was merged with the Department of Architectural Structures and was called the Department of Architectural Structures and Geometric Simulation. In connection with the reorganization changes within the university in 2010, the Department of Geometric and Computer simulation of Energy Efficient Buildings was established. In 2018, the structure of the Department of Fundamentals of Architecture and Fine Arts joined the Department of Geometric and Computer Simulation of Energy Efficient Buildings.

The department employs 1 professor, 5 associate professors, candidates of sciences, 1 senior teacher, 1 assistant.

In 2018, according to the results of the department's participation in the competition within the framework of the Development Program of the СFU named after V.I. Vernadsky received support for the project "Development and Equipping of a New Interdisciplinary Master's Program" “Energy-Efficient Smart Buildings and Structures" in direction of bachelors training 08.04.01" Civil Engineering" and the creation of a laboratory "Passive and low-energy architecture" The department prepares students in disciplines: the basics and methods of architectural design, the history of art, history of architecture, drawing, painting, sculpture, color and light in architecture.

The teachers of the department conduct preparatory courses in art drawing and technical drawing to prepare enrollees for admission to our academy.

The department has opened a postgraduate course on training of personnel of the highest scientific category in the specialty “Engineering and Technology of Construction 06.08.01, direction of training "Environmental Safety in Civil Engineering" The postgraduate students are supervised by the professor and associate professors of the department.

The department conducts Olympiads among students in Descriptive Geometry and Computer Graphics. Research work of students also includes the participation at republican and all-Russian competitions, writing abstracts and articles, presenting reports at conferences. Course projects and graduate qualification works of students of the department annually receive awards at international and all-Russian competitions and exhibitions.

The following disciplines are assigned to the Department of Geometric and Computer Simulation of Energy Efficient Buildings:

  1. Increasing the energy efficiency of buildings and structures
  2. Energy efficiency in construction
  3. Fundamentals of computer simulation
  4. Computer modeling of energy efficient buildings
  5. Sculpture-plastic simulation
  6. History of urban planning and architecture
  7. Painting and architectural colors
  8. Art history
  9. History of landscape architecture
  10. Engineering graphics
  11. Engineering and computer graphics
  12. Typology of buildings and structures
  13. Construction drawing
  14. Educational practice, artistic practice.
  15. Fundamentals of energy efficient construction
  16. Engineering graphics
  17. Computer simulation
  18. Descriptive geometry
  19. Low energy architecture
  20. Art drawing
  21. Art drawing and painting
  22. Fundamentals of architectural design
  23. Architectural graphics

Research activities

The scientific work of the department is carried out on the problem of geometric and computer simulation of real objects and processes for various branches of technology, architecture and construction.

The main directions of scientific and technical activities of the Department are: "Utilization of solar energy in installations with concentrators", "Improving the energy efficiency of buildings with low-energy architecture," Development of tourist routes in Crimea using park sculpture and small architectural forms within the cultural, aesthetic, patriotic code of biosphere-compatible personality ".

At present, a scientific school has been formed at the department under the leadership of Professor A.T. Dvoretsky in two directions: "Geometric and computer simulation of real objects and processes for various branches of technology, architecture and construction" and "Energy efficient and environmentally friendly buildings and structures."

Every year, teachers, graduate students and masters of the department are published in domestic and international journals. (Scopus, Web of Science).

For 14 years, the department annually holds an international scientific and practical conference " Methodology of the Living Environment Safety", participates in symposia and conferences, both in Russia and abroad: Vienna, Belgrade, Dresden, Seville, Cologne, Lublin, Milan, Brussels. The topics of the conferences, inter alia, are related to energy efficient construction and the use of solar energy.

Every year, the staff of the department win prizes in sports competitions of the Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky in basketball, volleyball, football, badminton, tennis, chess, checkers.